We understand that the internet is flooded with several websites, leaving people with fewer choices when selecting a domain name. There have been times, where several business owners in UAE, in the rush of getting everything started, end up settling for a domain name that does more harm than good. Settling for a domain name simply because it is the closest variable available is not the best choice from the point of view of creating a formidable brand. After all, you want to create a striking brand that translates into a legacy and a successful business that resonates strongly with your core competence. So, whether you are new to this, or are seeking a change, here are few things to avoid completely when looking for a UAE domain.
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Don’t Choose A Name That Is Different From The Name Of Your Business
Many people might not be aware of this, but Google and similar search engines rank pages that display consistency in their domain and business name. While there is no proof out there of whether having a keyword-rich domain in your SEO campaign is beneficial, aligning your domain name with it is a great branding hack. Additionally, consistency offers your brand credibility.
Not Choosing A .com Extension
Don’t go in for long or awkward obscure names, or ones that include numbers or hyphens. Given the credibility of a .com extension, we recommend sticking to it, as you will then be easy to remember and it prevents any typing errors.
Using Double Letters
Unless your brand name has double letters in it, we recommend avoiding it at all costs, otherwise. The main reason being it increases the chance of losing traffic due to typos. For example, a domain name such as letsstalk.com is not only confusing, but many might find it hard to remember the actual spelling. Avoiding double letters allow your potential visitors to type your domain name easily when searching.
Not Acting Fast Enough
With so many new businesses on the rise, thousands of domain names are being registered from various parts of the world. if you have discovered a name that you like and is available to use, we suggest not wasting a single moment in getting it registered. It’s pretty much like real estate, where everyone is eyeing for an affordable yet excellent property, and when found, it will go like a hot cake. If you don’t act fast, someone else will take it. Since domain names tend to be cheap, you should take it regardless. You can always replace it with another one, and wait till it expires.